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Our church has a rich history of fellowship in the Pioneer Valley of more than 30 years. We are a diverse community who have found liberation, reconciliation, and mission in the way of Jesus.

We're A Discipleship Community: We belief that to follow Jesus is to become more like him through practicing his teachings in a committed community setting. This means that our relationships extend well beyond Sunday into our small groups and meaningful connections throughout the week. If you're new to following Jesus we can help. If you've been at it for a while we'll learn together. Check out our Discovery Courses or our Growth Path to learn more


We're A Missional Community: 

We believe God is always up to something - his ongoing work of bringing the good news of Jesus out in the world. This often happens in surprising ways and places. Our goal is to participate with what God's doing rather than try to get him to come along side of our plans. That means we seek his leading through the narrative of scripture, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and through communal discernment. To learn more check out our short video on Missional Framework Here

We're A Reconciling Community: 

Jesus has come to make all things new, to restore humanity, and to lead us to flourishing. That means that our relationships in the church are a witness to his Justice, Mercy, and Power in our actual lives, not just what we agree with. And beyond the community of the church, we're called to go and offer that reconciliation to the neighborhoods and cities we call home. The kingdom has come to teach us a way of flourishing that should extend into our homes, our jobs, and our communities. 

We hope you'll find a space of hospitality among us and clarity to where God might be leading you to be more like Jesus. 

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