A church through small groups, not with small groups...
We believe discipleship is meant to happen through relationship to Jesus and one another (John 13:34-35). This makes gathering in small group communities throughout the month a top priority for our us; Sundays are a celebration of our connections throughout the week!
Each season (Sep-May) members of our congregation step up to lead small groups focused on topics they're passionate about. There's always room for you in our groups, so please don't hesitate to reach out. Find a group you're interested in visiting HERE.
Here's a list of small groups currently happening:
30+ Men’s Group. Description: A group of men (age 30+) who call one another higher through scripture and one another relationships with the goal of using our gifts and talents to age well and finish the race strong!
J.E.D.I.s for Jesus. Description: This group is for anyone who wants to learn about God's Justice, apply it to their own life, and live it out in their local communities. The goal is to grow in understanding justice according to the Old and New Testaments and express and live out Jesus' love and inclusion of all image-bearers. .
55+ Ladies’ Group. Description: Studying out the women of the Bible and our role today as older women and the challenges we face in our lives and learning what the Bible is teaching us.
Biblical Discoveries. Description: Read the Bible in 9 months with a focus on discovery.
Come to Me. Description: This is a group for women only and we will be studying out coming to Jesus and finding rest through looking at anxiety and soul care.
Created to Care. Description: Weekly Bible discussion on the Creators (God and Jesus) and us made in God’s image as creators. We will learn how to use our creative gifts to glorify God and inspire others. Each session also includes a craft lesson or activity and refreshments. Each month we will choose a specific group to encourage with our God-inspired crafts.
Divine Femininity. Description: Allowing women to learn about their natural rhythm and to live via attuning to their body’s cycle. We will study the Pillar Women of the Bible and how to embody those archetypes in our daily lives. Monthly art shop on channeling women’s sensual energy into heathy forms of creative artistic expression.
Do You Want to Get Well? Description: Develop a spiritual community to support disciples who battle with mental illness and/or addiction or who support a spouse/family member in their mental illness and/or addiction recovery.
Historical Bible. Description: A small group that will look at historical facts, archaeology, and evidence that shows possible physical proofs and theories that stories and teachings of the Bible actually happened.
Learning Biblical Hebrew. Description: We will learn to read and write in Hebrew. Will include prayer, songs, and the breaking of bread. Children welcome. We will watch videos on the Hebrew language, listen to Hebrew songs, and learn how to read, pronounce, and write Hebrew words and letters. Good for all learner levels. Leaders: Leon and Debbie Babbitt. Slots open: 8.
What is Gospel Music: Description: We will research gospel music, what is the meaning behind specific gospel songs, and how they relate to the Bible. We will be learning and singing gospel songs.
Yo-Pro Group. Description: Meeting together weekly in homes for meals and bible discussion! Open to 4 men and 4 women, individuals between the ages of 22 and 35 without children.
Arts Media Design. Description: A call to all creatives! Looking to gather brothers and sisters who are practicing (or long to be) in the arts: writing, film, photography, music, fine art, design.
Biblical Hospitality. Description: Biblical hospitality is about honoring God by obeying His command to “contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality”. We extend invitations to strangers as well as friends, seeking not only to deepen fellowship, but also to draw people into the light of Christian community.
Biblical Relationships. Description: Focus on relationships, developing our own relationships and studying out Biblical relationships.
Connecting with God through Art. Description: Taking time together to work on our art and connect with God and one another.
Community Group. Description: Building community and relational depth. Things we could do together could be doing sabbath, fasting, feasting, game nights, paint nights… activities and topics will be decided by group after formation.
Connor Small Group. Description: Beyond the empty nest, this group of seasoned disciples seek to follow Jesus in our prime time as well as into the twilight times.
Growing in God. Description: Designed for those who would like to grow in God together. We will cover a broad range of topics possibly including staying faithful in today’s world, finances, pride, Jesus and politics, raising teens, etc. Topics studied based on group consensus. Childcare is not provided but children are welcome.
Leading Godly Families: Description: A group for parents and spouses to learn and train together how to have marriages that glorify God, and raise children in the Lord.
Loving Your Spouse. Description: We will learn how to love our spouses in new, deeper ways using books, Bible studies and videos. Each session will include an icebreaker, new content and group discussion, some split by gender and others all together. We will have some scheduled date nights too! Our hope is to grow together.
The Eternal Pearls. Description: We will be asking each of you to choose a woman and do a study with us. Each month each sister in the group will have a chance to share about the woman they have chosen to study out.
The Spiritual Flow and the Jewishness of Jesus. Description: 20-30 minutes of flow/ stretch/ yoga-like movement and meditation to Christian music, followed by a study/discussion of the Jewishness of Jesus/ who Jesus is. Focus will be language and Jewish perspective/culture of the writings of Jesus; intention is to grow in our love for Jesus and for one another.
Spanish Speaking Small Group Description: Brothers and sisters of our Latino community who gather for fellowship, encouragement, and fun!