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As a diverse church, we strive to value and be influenced by all cultures represented in our community and to be unified in our calling to represent Jesus. The S.C.U.A.D, in concert with the church leadership, is tasked with exploring and facilitating efforts of unity among our congregation so that we can faithfully join in God's plan for all nations to come to him. 


Revelation 7:9 "I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.


Vision: “Overcoming Division and Strengthening Unity”


The Pioneer Valley S.C.U.A.D. is a multicultural team brought together to help fellow image bearers reconcile our collective past, and embrace our shared future.  Our prayer and intent is to elevate the spiritual and social consciousness of our family through earnest dialogue and active listening, with a spirit of patience and humility.  We will courageously foster a culture of empathy and unity in the church body by generating transformative ideas through Biblical study and training, education, and shared experiences following Jesus’ example self-offering love. 



  • Elevate consciousness through humble dialogu

  • Generate transformative ideas 

  • Courageously foster a culture of empathy unity 

  • Personify Jesus’ example of love 


 Elevate, Generate, Foster, and Personify

Up Coming Events: 

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Discovering What God's Up To In The Pioneer Valley

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