Sunday Worship
We hope to see you at one of our Sunday Services this week! You can join us for our morning services at 10am @ 85 Montcalm St. Chicopee MA. If you cannot make it in person, we'll be live-streaming on Youtube.
To get a sense of our worship or watch any of our previous sermons, click HERE.


The Imago Dei Together
We believe Jesus came to establish a community that would reflect the welcoming love of the Triune God, and serve as a signpost to the world that a new creation has come. Following Jesus has always meant community.
" the image of God he created them"
Gen. 1:27

More Like Jesus, More For Others.
We believe discipleship to Jesus is formation towards a self-offering love that can only be practiced with the power of the Holy Spirit and in relationship to others. The way of Jesus is the way of the cross.
"The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher."
Luke 6:40

God's Mission Has A Church
We believe we are sent, by a missional God, into the world to discover and participate in the kingdom of heaven breaking through. God is making all things new through His reconciling love in Jesus. Each follower of Jesus is called to embody and teach the way of Jesus to others; to be disciple makers.
Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
John 20:21
We are a diverse, multi-generational, group of believers from across the Pioneer Valley who believe that God has called us, through Jesus, to be participants in the work He's doing in the world. God calls the church to display the kingdom through loving one another. Because relationships matter, we are active in each others' lives throughout the week, and engaged in our local communities. We're a "church through small groups." Find out more about how to connect with a small group in your area HERE.